Embua passed a law stating that users can now manage their electrical generators. Citizens will have to supply their own coal to generators without being in violation.
Previous laws still in effect for generators say that the generator MUST still be on the side of the house. Or somewhere outside.
This new law also states that users must be shown by a technician how to use generators correctly. Users will not be able to wire things by themselves.
What do you think about this new law?
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PaperLand Military Lineup near Telikeep border sparks fear in Telikeep Citizens.
Telikeep citizens are urged to stay away from the border and to have a flight plan out of the country in case of an attack.
Is @DuraWay Express getting banned in Embua? Lets go over what is happening.
Today, Embua's Congress introduced a bill stating that Duraway, a Paperland company, is a threat to Embua's citizens and has the potential of kidnapping them. This was stated in 2341 "Protecting Embuan's from foreign entities." which we currently have exclusive access to.
For enforcement, the bill states "Any employees of these banned companies are not allowed to cross into Embuan territory, and may be punishable by extradition."
The congressman who introduced this bill is unknown.