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Brevwell County Rules

This is the rules for BrevWell County on Roblox (SoftVerte isn't affiliated with Roblox)

Section one :: General

1: Do not randomly kill or injure a player [RDM]

2: Do not flee from a staff member when they are attempting to talk to you or stop you.

3: Do not abuse the report system.

4: Follow Roblox’s terms of service.

5: No abusing glitches

6: Exploiting is strictly not allowed. If caught doing so, your SoftVerte Account will be TERMINATED and you will be reported to Roblox

Section two :: RP rules

1: A player must stay in RP and may not exit unless in a staff sit. [FRP]

1.1: A player must only do actions that can be re-created in the real world.

2: When a player joins, they are in the game to roleplay, so a player must have the intent to roleplay. [NITRP]

3: Do not steal insert cars or team cars that have not been spawned.

Section three: Land/area Rules

1: Do not enter a restricted area such as staff buildings or passcode-protected parking lots.

2: Do not drive or walk off of the map on purpose. This falls under FRP & NITRP

Section four :: Police rules

1: During a chase, an officer may not shoot at a car while the vehicle is in motion. [NITRP & RDM]

2: An officer must be a good officer and being rouge is not allowed. [FRP]

3: Remain professional on the radio. With the exemption of some jokes

Additional Notes

In most cases, action taken against you by moderation is up to the moderator.

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