Police Guide
When you join the team, spawn your ASP car, the regular ASP car.
Set your licence plate to 7L-yourcallsign.
Press ESC on your keyboard, press UI apps, add app, add the Police Radar app.
When the radar UI is added and moved to your liking, press on Vehicle Config, press search in the parts tab, search Dashboard Accessory, select "angelo234's Police Radar".
Upon joining the Police team, please connect to the proper Zello Channel. Guide is found in the server's discord.
General Guide
Proper roleplay requires you to be in our BeamMP Server's Discord, when you are in a scene or doing something in general, join a VC call or a Scene call.
For Non-Civilian Teams Only, join the radio channel at all times.
Discord invite can be found on our main discord server.
Joining Guide
Make sure you have your BeamMP account linked to SoftVerte, also make sure we whitelisted your account.